Lost episodes 1-8
I was not attracted to this series when it as first shown on Sky Channel 1 and my interest developed and sustained when I discovered the main concept of the series, dimensions of time and place and of natural forces beyond contemporary acceptance as scientific possibilities note added 15.02.2009.
The first conclusion is that the series should be called Lost and Found.
One by one each the story of each survivor unfolds and we find that they all have something to regret to the point needing forgiveness and redemption.
Each episode is also self contained, enjoyable and with a satisfying conclusion but also part of a whole which is to unfold over several years.
As in all effective series of this kind, some of the characters are not likeable until we get to know their history and how they cope with their past when confronted with the threatening and challenging situation.
Having sown the seed that this place is purgatory and that have been given the opportunity to go to heaven or hell when they die, but not to return to their former lives and love ones it will be interesting to find out how the series ends, if there is resolution or continuing uncertainty.
It is now for me to learn something of the characters, perhaps at a later date the background of the actors, and to try and communicate the essence of individual episodes without spoiling the fun.
The plot is that of the survivors of part of airliner flying to the USA from Australia which crashes onto an island sea shore, There are supposed to be 46/49 survivors but only about a third of these appear to feature.
Matthew Fix is Jack a doctor who recovers falling into the jungle her meet Evangeline Lilly as Kate and these tow are to become central characters with a smouldering relationship which so far has not ignited. The opening episode has introduced us to the principal characters and to existence of something sinister, threatening, human, beast or paranormal. Whatever it is it can kill and does, There are two three key features to the second pilot in which we learn something of the background of Kate and the existence of wild and dangerous animals. However the most important discovery is the transmission of a help call from a lady speaking French.
Episode three Tabula Rosa concerns the previous life of Kate in flashbacks interwoven with the survivors as they attempt to come to terms with their predicament. She has been forced to become a resourceful lade and has this not been a man's world film she would have become the leader rather than reluctant Jack with his medical skills. It is evident from the discovered transmission that they will not be recovered quickly, well for 58 episodes at least. The plane is known to have been at least 1000 miles of course but there another explanation. On the Brightside there have been enough survival programmes on TV to have given a number of the travellers a good idea what to do to make the best of their situation. E, 4 Walkabout introduces us to the survivor par excellence Locke played by Terry 0'Quinn and we learn the miraculous nature of his experience. The remaining fuselage is burnt with the dead and a memorial service is held and a pooling of resources.
E5 White Rabbit was the only episode of the second disk which I was able to view tells the story of Jack and that people see things which should not be there? Hallucinations or what is this place then? E6 House of the rising sun refers to the background of a Japanese couple and their relationship. The cracks in relationships are stretched wide and resources such as water are fought over. A discovery leads to the party being divided between those who stay on the shoreline and those who move into caves about a mile away inland. E7 concerns a well worn pathway of a young man Charlie, Dominic Monaghan, on substance dependence as the stash is runs out. A relationships develops between he and Locke and although the outcome in predictable there are some good moments.
For me the best episode of series is Confidence Man with several good twist and memorable line, I became the man I spent my life hunting. Sawyer, Josh Holloway finds it difficult to live with him and it is evident that his redemption will take time.
A level of interest, suspense and credibility is maintained during this first half of the first series, although it is in fact not a half third.
I was not attracted to this series when it as first shown on Sky Channel 1 and my interest developed and sustained when I discovered the main concept of the series, dimensions of time and place and of natural forces beyond contemporary acceptance as scientific possibilities note added 15.02.2009.
The first conclusion is that the series should be called Lost and Found.
One by one each the story of each survivor unfolds and we find that they all have something to regret to the point needing forgiveness and redemption.
Each episode is also self contained, enjoyable and with a satisfying conclusion but also part of a whole which is to unfold over several years.
As in all effective series of this kind, some of the characters are not likeable until we get to know their history and how they cope with their past when confronted with the threatening and challenging situation.
Having sown the seed that this place is purgatory and that have been given the opportunity to go to heaven or hell when they die, but not to return to their former lives and love ones it will be interesting to find out how the series ends, if there is resolution or continuing uncertainty.
It is now for me to learn something of the characters, perhaps at a later date the background of the actors, and to try and communicate the essence of individual episodes without spoiling the fun.
The plot is that of the survivors of part of airliner flying to the USA from Australia which crashes onto an island sea shore, There are supposed to be 46/49 survivors but only about a third of these appear to feature.
Matthew Fix is Jack a doctor who recovers falling into the jungle her meet Evangeline Lilly as Kate and these tow are to become central characters with a smouldering relationship which so far has not ignited. The opening episode has introduced us to the principal characters and to existence of something sinister, threatening, human, beast or paranormal. Whatever it is it can kill and does, There are two three key features to the second pilot in which we learn something of the background of Kate and the existence of wild and dangerous animals. However the most important discovery is the transmission of a help call from a lady speaking French.
Episode three Tabula Rosa concerns the previous life of Kate in flashbacks interwoven with the survivors as they attempt to come to terms with their predicament. She has been forced to become a resourceful lade and has this not been a man's world film she would have become the leader rather than reluctant Jack with his medical skills. It is evident from the discovered transmission that they will not be recovered quickly, well for 58 episodes at least. The plane is known to have been at least 1000 miles of course but there another explanation. On the Brightside there have been enough survival programmes on TV to have given a number of the travellers a good idea what to do to make the best of their situation. E, 4 Walkabout introduces us to the survivor par excellence Locke played by Terry 0'Quinn and we learn the miraculous nature of his experience. The remaining fuselage is burnt with the dead and a memorial service is held and a pooling of resources.
E5 White Rabbit was the only episode of the second disk which I was able to view tells the story of Jack and that people see things which should not be there? Hallucinations or what is this place then? E6 House of the rising sun refers to the background of a Japanese couple and their relationship. The cracks in relationships are stretched wide and resources such as water are fought over. A discovery leads to the party being divided between those who stay on the shoreline and those who move into caves about a mile away inland. E7 concerns a well worn pathway of a young man Charlie, Dominic Monaghan, on substance dependence as the stash is runs out. A relationships develops between he and Locke and although the outcome in predictable there are some good moments.
For me the best episode of series is Confidence Man with several good twist and memorable line, I became the man I spent my life hunting. Sawyer, Josh Holloway finds it difficult to live with him and it is evident that his redemption will take time.
A level of interest, suspense and credibility is maintained during this first half of the first series, although it is in fact not a half third.
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