Monday, 6 April 2009

1200 Lost and Spooks

Lost is also about the problems of individualists needing to band together to achieve collective survival where it is almost impossible to know who to trust and who not. I also know all about such a state of mind and feeling and that it will leads to paranoia and inactivity, and the loss of self confidence.

There is no right or wrong solution, other than to accept this is the way of the world in general and do and say what you want, knowing what the consequences are likely to be. My evening finished with two programmes about Hell which also focussed on who to trust and who not. The first was a double ration of Spooks, whose return I may have missed before. In the first there was a killer bug within the community which the state pretends is a super bug. I suspect this is what has happened with the recent outbreaks of foot and mouth and the other break out of a disease which threatened to explode across animal specie, our food chain and economy. In this episode it is becomes necessary for our spooks to turn on other friendly spooks using on them techniques which they sue on spooks who are known enemies. One cannot shed ant tears about this, as what is happening in the Soprano's as I watched the penultimate episode and one lot of murderous criminals any redeeming qualities sets out to destroy another "Am I bovvered?"

In the second episode of Spooks, the focus is also on friends behaving just as badly as your enemies, but you forgive them friendly fire casualties because they are your friends, with the sub plot the states within states and the impact of globalization of commerce, finance and brotherhoods on individual states. The only difference between the two series is that in Spooks everyone is trying to do the right and best thing for the rest of the population, their country and its political leaders, but behave like criminal gangs, whereas in the other, the individuals know they are criminals with other criminals out to get them and their and most likely to than the good guys of the state, but they also believe in childhood, and Father Christmas and buying your way out of Hell into Heaven. The Spooks do not, they know they are in Hell and will remain so yet they try and work on according to the standards and beliefs of their childhood beliefs and faiths.

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