Before watching a spoof horror Transylvania Twist, such was the state of the cold and fuzzy head, I was able to enjoy the contortionist of the circus performers on Big Brother House plus the enthusiasms of the dances and non dances such as Amy the artist and the young politician who despite his physical frame to the contrary was able to show some cool moves, So far so good despite the best efforts of the programme designers the group are demonstrating the poverty of the average talentless moron previously on the programme. Hey Big brother you have egg on your face. However I wonder what those who tune into Big Brother Little Brother will make of having a different class of participant. I am being harsh but I am not in the mood for subtlety.
Having unintentionally wiped the computer slate clean of chess games after one 101 run on level 1 and some 1250 1500 games overall I decided on a new tactic after Christmas which did not bear fruit until the New Year. Now I am up to 82 games level 1 without defeat or draw but abandoned further effort until the head clears because it only take a second loss of concentration and slip of the hand to bring the situation back to zero.
Yesterday all I felt up was watching the TV but at times even this proved too much. However having previous found the TV series Lost engaging I decided to watch Season part 2 Disk 2 and 3 each with four episodes.. I saw the whole of the first season over a period of weeks but season 2 has been problematic with disk arriving over a year and because I have keep no record of programmes watched it was difficult to grasp some story lines but watch all the episodes in a day has meant that together with seeing some of the subsequent series I was able to both enjoy and critically appraise, in so far that I had the capacity to do so. I soon was back on the Island with the participants and during the course of the evening I commenced to learn something more of the dynamics, theories and philosophies., although there much more to be unravelled and this is a series that likes o provide a rational explanation for the irrational.
A new couple was a white man, a bachelor who saves the life of a black woman although colour did not appear to be an issue, as it has not with other characters and one aspect of the programme is that attempts to reveal the commonness of human behaviour across races and cultures. They quickly develop a relationship and on a trip to Niagara Falls he proposes only to learn that she is in remission from cancer and has only a year to live. She has come to accept her situation but he does not and on their honeymoon to Australia he takes her to see a faith healer who uses the energy which exists in the area and which he argues occurs in a few other places around the world. He cannot help her but she decided to tell the husband that she has been cured. On the island he has reached the point when while others have established some kind of community , and a couple trying to build as church he wants everyone else to build some kind of sign that can be seen by planes or satellites , and large three row SOS built out of large pieces of rock. The wife tries to discourage her husband from the venture and eventually explains to him her belief that the island has cured her as it has John Locke who remembers meeting at the airport before the flight takes off, in his wheel chair, something he has not needed since coming to the island. Her husband elects to stay with her and make no further attempt to depart.
Since beginning to explore the Island the participants first discovered an underground chamber and during this set of episodes we are made are that there are others, including a new one where the occupants could observe what was happening in the others. The key to these chambers is need for one of them, possible all when they were active to punch in a code periodically. These are the number which the over weight (original of the 14 chief characters) Hurley who used the same number to with the big prize in the US lotto draw Individual now and in the past have been responsible for ensuring that the code is applied otherwise the system on the island which keeps its energy in check, fails with suggested dire consequences. Locke, the man recovered from his wheel chair gets it into his head that even if the system did required such action in the past it no longer and determined that they will stop. Introduced in seasons is a new character a former criminal who brother was a priest and who has come to act the role especially after being called upon to investigate an alleged back from the dead incident (flashback). He feels called upon first to be the church and then to go back to where another plane was discovered in which heroin was packed inside holy statues. It is here they find the latest chamber and here the former criminal is determined to continue maintain the system especially when Locke tries to stop him. As the seconds elapse after the time of code entering passes we learn the secret of island and the protection system, Without the system a reversal of polarity occurs and this is what forced the two planes to fall out of the sky and it is also the source of the force field which prevents ships and boats from visiting the island or escaping from it beyond its perimeter.
The main focus of the second part of the series is the relationship of the aeroplane survivors with those who live at the other end of the island and who also claim to be survivors. Michael has no contact with his son Walt who lived with his mother in Australia until her death. Walt does not initially get on with his father and his emotional being is centred on his dog who survived the crash with him. Walt has been captured by the other survivors group as a means of getting the return of one oft hem who has been captured and held prisoner under interrogation in the underground chamber When a raiding party from the crash go to try and rescue Walt that are surrounded and lose their weapons to the other group who have disguised themselves as mountain people. Michael is captured and taken back to their encampment of huts by the third underground chamber and given a few moments with his son. He has been told to release the prisoner and also bring back the leader of the crash survivors, two major characters from the first series, one new influential character who killed two of the other group and one other, unlikely character, although the reason for this becomes apparent.
The new second season character a former US cop who went to work for airline security in Australia. She was forced to leave after a colleague realised she had taken the law into her own hands and killed someone who had attempted to kill her but had walked or become free. She has an incident with the prisoner in which he attempt to kill her so she seduces the keeper of the guns, and take his gun to kill the prisoner just as Michael is about to release him so he has to take the gun off her and then kill her, but also another new individual to the series who comers across the situation after collecting some blankets, although why these had to be obtained from the chamber is one of the slimmer connections in the series so far. She is killed accidentally, Michaels shoots himself in the should to prove he is a victim and then the prisoner leaves with Michael insisting on a recovery plan for his son involving only those on his list
While the violent death of the former police woman turned cold blood killer has to be regarded as justice, the protracted death of other young woman in which she tries to point the finger at Michael, is less satisfactory because this alleged former psychologist has befriended Hurley the extremely overweight young man with an obsessive eating disorder from the guilt in his past and who from leaving the psychiatric until and trying to lead a good life he wins the national lottery and a vast fortune and sets off to conquer the world. The lottery numbers are those used to prevent the reversal of polarity on the island. The girl has befriended Hurley and prevents him from committing suicide as he hallucinates over a friend who has combated the medical attempts to help Hurley lose weight and find other less damaging ways to cope with his sense of guilt. In the episode in which she tries to convince Hurley that he is hallucinating and what is appending on Island is their reality she is shown as also being a patient at the same psychiatric hospital as Hurley. A regular feature of the programme is of individuals seeing real people from their lives on the Island. Everyone on the island has a history, some were running away and their situation and the island makes them confront their past.
In order to rescue his Michael, who has shot himself in the shoulder is told to persuade only four of the crash survivors to come with him and the amazing thing is that after all that has happened on the island three of the main characters consent, one has already been killed, and eventually Hurley agrees as a non combatant and whose inclusion is to return to the others and warn them not go to the other side of the island after the three others are captured and Michael and his son given a boat on their release. However that Michael was able to persuade the small group and to dissuade the only survivor known to have had combat experience from the expedition and to stop the first reaction to arm as many a possible to undertake the mission was puzzling although the programme designers had planned this to involve Sayed who uses the boat that has become fixed to the island. This is an island back story and follows the same lines of that involving others via controlling parents who want to dictate who there daughters marry and do not. This individual has been framed, goes to prison and where the parents has continued to prevent contact so that an engagement is announced involving someone suitable. The man determines to get his own back by winning a yacht race against her father and which comes into his possession through a young widow who offers to finance his venture and whose husband had the boat. Although trhere is the opportunity for the man and the love of his life to get together he says a man has gotta do what a man has gotta do and sets off on the completion only to be pulled through the force field on the island, through a previous temporary break in the island system, three years beforehand. He then becomes involved with the last individuals, or so we are led to believe, of the corporation responsible for the system and its monitoring. Those who work the underground chambers are required to make detailed reports which they send to senior management in the kind of tubes which large shops use for the cash or check payments for goods. Such systems enabled centralised cashiering accounting. A bizarre aspect is that the survivor discover that these tubes lead to an above ground outlet in the open air, and have piled up over a substantial period of time.
Well there has to be unanswered questions for later on the in series Our yacht competition is then persuaded to stay for three years only going out in a contamination suit with head set as without these the atmosphere kills. He then learns of the subterfuge to keep him below ground when the former site deputy is seen going above ground in a damaged suit, is followed and found taking off the suit on his way to undertaking further work to repair the yacht. It is during his absence and the delay in working the system timer that the loss of polarity begins and the plane falls out of the sky. He then completes the repair and makes his way to the survivors and then attempt to leave the island on his own. During these last episodes of the series he boat drifts back off shore and is reached by the other crash survivors. The man explains that eh he set sail and should have reached his destination but all that happened is that he was pushed back to the island, Subsequently Michael is told to set and keep to one precise course as if this is the only exit route from the force field. Sayed now commandeers the use of the yacht with the help from the Koreans couple, to do a reconnoitre round the other side of the island as he believes that Michael is leading his friends into a trap. He tells the leader of the survivors this and he promises to send a signal to where they are join him after he has reconnoitred. However he discovered the alleged encampment deserted and the rescuers are captured but not killed through the use of tranquilising darts. As the episode and series ends, Michal and his son set off to freedom, or are, Hurley is sent back with the warning and the other three await their fait, but with several other series further completed it is evident that they were not killed so why were they captured in particular?
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