Thursday, 11 October 2012

Celia Imrie Who Do you Think You Are?

Celia Imrie Who do you think you are started as a disappointment because she was only interested in finding historical figures of political importance which given the family tree was not difficult.

One of her great grand parents was a leading Whig, Lord William Russell whose family lived at Woburn Abbey and was executed after a famous Treason Trial as the picked Jury believed he had been threatening the King although his concern was against a Catholic Monarchy and the enforcement of the Catholic religion on the people. When the King died and James I came to throne and established a Catholic monarchy the rebellion led to the arrival of William of Orange and the establishment of constitutional monarchy and quashing of the indictment against Russell who was declared a hero and Martyr and the great defender of Constitutional Monarchy as a plaque remains in Lincoln Inn Fields where he was executed.

She also followed up his grandmother who was a member of the Howard family and engaged married when 13 to someone 14 where the marriage was unhappy and annulled by the Archbishop. She married the Kings Favourite and after two years of marriage and the birth of a daughter she and her husband was tried and convicted of involvement in a murder nut then reprieved although serving sometime in jail. Her marriage broke up and she within ten years of leaving the Tower a comparatively young woman having never known happiness since her Early childhood. I went to bed soon after the news headlines and read more of the Snack Thief.



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