Monday, 14 October 2013

Andrew Marr October 2013 Sunday and The Balcklist Begins

0012 Daily Notes 2013 12th October 10.35 after a good sleep with one break and lots of vivid dreams which if I had time I would consider , especially if I made notes on waking. But rising just before 9 after 8.2 hours SP machine, average 8.3 and listening to Andrew Marr cover a wide range of subjects I have washed up made coffee and will shortly exercise, session one, having also played Patience to 125 consecutive wins and 1689 games after the previous 1300 plus achievement although not as much as the 1500 plus prior to that. I had not tidied my hair or shaved for the second morning and with the skies darkening and the news of a great wind I am not sure I will venture out later although there is need of milk.
Andrew’s guests included a dreadful woman from the Sunday Times continuing the pathetic free press mantra beware when the political parties are in agreement as if consensus in a democracy is to be feared, feared by the press barons and their commercial interests and the jobs of scum hacks I guess so and good. David Mellor made a surprising cautious response to the rampant defence of the indefensible saying he was not A Hacked Off man pity that David you remain a curious mixture, sill hoping for a political come back? But I agree if an impasse has been reached then unless the governing politicians are confident the rest of the news press will come round if they remain firm, a bit like Obama and the budget in the USA against the reactionary bullying extremes of the republicans, then comprise is the name of the game by both parties although in this instance something is not better than nothing.
The retiring from office Chief Prosecutor who has done a great job re historical sexual and other forms of violence against children and young people rightly defended his recent statement on the present law when an abortion agency has to take into account the health risks to a woman of a continuing pregnancy as well as other factors irrespective of sex of the embryo and the recent fuss has to be seen in relation to a story of concentration type camps in North Korean and babies being skinned and eaten so alleged Huffington Post He had just received the papers re Plebgate and the issue of how long the police had taken was not a matter for him.

Malala was interviewed at pace by Marr himself pressing her views about Education, the distortions of the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan and in relation to the Muslim faith generally and her intention to complete her education and one day enter politics in her home country while pursuing her charity work for the education of girls everywhere.

Labours new Opposition Education Minister Tristram Hunt was introduced as an impressive young articulate historian and commenced the process of rewriting Labour Policy on quality as well as quantity education, the need to progress quality teaching, the new approach to free schools back to technical colleges and putting Mr Gove in his place and a possible new Labour leader emerges.

The Lib Dem energy minister was on form on why the Miliband freeze wont work and the makings of deal about nuclear power involving the Chinese and perhaps the Japanese as it sounded close putting to parliament. We have made up with China following the little breakdown of Cameron meeting the Dalai Lama
22.05 feeling relaxed and would like to go to bed, suck a boiled sweet and read with SL mask on. First a good update with the highlight of the day so far a new series on Sky Living called The Blacklist which was not as expected to do with the Senator Joe McCarthy blacklisting era in Hollywood, the arts or public life but a kind of Bourne style show was some excellent acting although I am not sure about female lead. I downloaded via Sky the first two episodes and was impressed that gave undivided attention and watched both.. Must look to see whose who and particular a look alike for Ingrid Bergman

A former CIA man disappears and considered to be the most wanted man for several decades as a private contractor, fixer behind a number of International crimes arrives at CIA HQ and gives him self up and then maintained in various high security facilities which includes a building vacated after 9/11 and a large ocean going tanker and intentioned in the highest forms of security within such facilities as per the last James Bond film. He has information regarding an imminent major crime but will only talk to a new young female agent and profiler agent just fully trained married and about to adopt a child on the basis we later learn she is opposed to having a biological offspring when there are so many unwanted children in the world. She is off for her first full posting and also had an appointment with an adoption agency last stages before a child is allocated to him. That these two events are incompatible does not appear to concern the programme makers or the audience who become fully engaged.

Throughout the first two episodes she and her employers ponder of the selection of this young woman with the full CIA arriving by helicopter and car in number to get her to where they holding the prisoner for prior questioning and then getting him to reveal where a major incident is going to occur in the city. This is a major train cash which h says is organised by a villain, a contractor who has staged a number of previous assassinations in the form of major accidents and where he claims 3000 people have died collateral damage so speak. He offers to provide the connections which will enable his chosen “partner” to capture the man responsible via his next venture which involves the kidnapping of the daughter of a general and the unleashing of a dirty bomb in the city to avenge situation which had led to the death of his child children family as collateral damage in a central European community. While the child is kidnapped that his plans have become so known leads him to take prisoner and torture the woman’s husband who barely survives. The prisoners suggests that her husband is not all that he seems, a school teacher, and she finds a box under floor boards where they lives, presumably his place from before contained passport identities, money and a hand gun. She keeps this to herself including when questioned under modern lie detector conditions on the advice of the prisoner with a view to finding out the background quietly when the husband recovers and is returned home.

The tension in the pilot episode is when the child is placed wired up in the midst of a zoo but is saved at the last moment by a contact of the prisoner who goes off with the weapon. The perpetrator of the assassinations appears to die rather than be captured and the prisoner is returned to incarceration and handing over to the justice system at the appropriate time but then makes an offer to the CIA which they find impossible to refuse. to make available information about the most wanted mega international criminal, some not even in the CIA top ten list.... Hence the title of the series The Black List.. He will only work with the young woman and wants an open life style leading to immunity from prosecution for past crimes. The female Justice Secretary / Attorney General figures refuses and he is returned to Sea Going captivity.

However as someone who does not use the Internet or Mobile phone he appears able to maintain a network and receive intelligence or at least had stored intelligence which he decides to use when the husband has recovered and the “partner” has returned to her original duties. He comes up with the assassination of an international known woman (the Ingrid Bergman look alike) who rescue young people and children from the International slave trade, to assist the prevention eh requires a return to his former lifestyle staying at top hotels but never the same places for more than a few nights at time and take his partner off to Canada to gain the appropriate information about the net target of the international criminal organisation which he states is the assassination of the International mature Ingrid Bergman look alike woman as a major International function in the city. It emerges that his intention is to kill the woman to appear suicide all along as she is the head of the criminal organisation and a major trader of the young people and children she appears to the world to be saving. Thus the big wigs agrees to using his services although making it plain he will not be given immunity but will be allowed the required level of freedom together with has two personal assistants, an African original man and an Asian origin woman with the CIA throwing one of their oriental top agents and thus after two episodes the scene is set for the series, in keeping with the Bourne, carton capers superheroes and transatlantic Spooks traditions and where the maker of Spooks have created a new series for Sky I. This reminds that the fourth series of the Boardwalk Empire with Lucky Thompson is schedule to appear soon.

I also watched Flog it where there was the usual mixture including man who purchased an item for under £100, where the retailer offered to but it back for several times what he had paid and which he now was selling but insisted on a minimum of £1200 when in fact the market was only just over £1000 within the £800 to 12000 suggested. That is known as being greedy. I also watched part of the Antiques Road Show recording the Strictly and X Factor results show and Down Abbey and downloading for early viewing the film Django Unchained which was one of the top films last award season.


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